Public Transport

General information on public transport

You can reach us by train almost as quickly as by car!

You can check the train connections on the SBB website and usually buy your ticket there too. To make sure that all possible connections are listed, you can also check the French website: . You can also buy your ticket here if you have problems with the SBB. In an emergency, the staff at the SBB counter will help you.

We will be happy to pick you up at a station in the region. Just let us know early enough and we will be waiting for you at the station. Two possible stations are Mervans and Chalon-sur-Saône. If you arrive somewhere else, please let us know and we will organise something according to your wishes. 

Mervans train station

The nearest train station from Meix Gagnard is Mervans. Unfortunately, there is only one good daily connection from Basel SBB. You start in the afternoon from Basel and after changing trains in Dijon and Seurre you arrive in Mervans about 3.5 hours later. We will be waiting for you there and you can reach your accommodation in 5 minutes by car.

Chalon-sur-Saône train station

More regular and even faster than to Mervans are the connections to Chalon-sur-Saône train station. There is a connection every two hours and you only need 2.5 to 3 hours from Basel SBB, depending on the time of day. You have to change trains in Mulhouse and sometimes also in Dijon. We will wait for you at Chalon-sur-Saône station and then drive about 30 minutes by car to Meix Gagnard. 


A One-Way Ticket Basel > Mervans or Base > Chalon-sur-Saône costs between 50 an 80 Swiss Francs.

Journey home

Connections back to Switzerland are about as regular and expensive as for the outward journey.